It seems peculiar to be part of something big, such as the BasaƱes Family. Apparently, my late grandfather never really took us all to mingle with the rest of his brothers and sisters, so technically, I never really knew much of my second degree cousins.
But then again, when my grandfather died, I became acquainted with them (well most of them, so to speak) and was able to recognize much (even more) of their side, broadening my knowledge as to how and what my bloodline was and will be.
Being with the comforts of family is indeed something to celebrate. Now that times are changing, and we are all getting matured, it is but important to maintain that bond between and amongst us. We may belong to a different genre, we may have differing likes and interests but still one thing remains... that is the fact that we are a FAMILY and that we belong to each other.
Indeed, a Family that grows together, stays together.