There are a lot of things that I wish to achieve this year, although I don't think I'd be able to push through with most of them (trust me, I know myself) but I'm hoping that with my "determination" and "perseverance" I'd be able to achieve these things. Yes I am HOPING.
My 2012 Resolutions:

Yes, it's on top of my list. I haven't been thanking God for the many things that He h
as given me for the past years. That is why I will DO MY BEST to spend time to THANK HIM for the many things He has provided me for. See, I'm a good boy.
Weird as it may sound, but I haven't been replacing my water losses lately. This year I wish to at least drink 8 glasses of water a day. Aja! :)
3. Smile more often.
With all the depressing events in 2011, I guess many are now wondering if smiling would still be legal in 2012. Well, YES it still will be legal. This year I wish to be an influence to others to smile more often and think less of the many complications that life has. And if they don't smile in accordance to my liking, well... >:)

4. Work harder.
ADMIT IT! YES! 2011 wasn't my year. My career path, well let's just put it this way, I GOT LOST. For some reason, I hope to find my career path this year and the minute I find it, I swear to GOD I'll make the most of it. I'll be good at it. I WILL PERFECT IT! OC much?
5. Save for the RAINY DAYS.
2011 was an eye-opener to all of us, this year I wish to work hard, spend less and SAVE MORE! The more I gain in financial stability, the more capable I will be to provide for my family. And lesson learned the hard way, it's always GOOD to save for the RAINY DAYS.
6. Set a GOAL.
Set attainable GOALS this year. Last year I went grandiose with all my unrealistic plans and unbelievable goals, that is why, this year I will plan my goals. Make them realistic and yes, achievable. As they say, It doesn't take a great leap to start a long journey, the smaller steps are what that counts. Save energy for the tough times. :)
7. Love myself and others MORE.
Love Love Love. This year, I wish to spread the big L-O-V-E to all. No more hating for me. That is all in the past now. As they say, Love your friends, but love your enemies more. So, instead of saying F*^& Y!* say I LOOOVE YOU! now.. wtf.
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